SBI Job Notification 2022
State Bank of India has released a job announcement for SBI Recruitment. Before the closing date of January 31, 2023, brilliant and eligible Job searchers must fill out an application form via internet access from its official website for the 1438 Vacancies of Collection Facilitators. Candidates who intend to apply for SBI Jobs & may obtain comprehensive information regarding SBI Recruitment 2022
State Bank of India Recruitment 2022 Information:
State Bank of India is the name of the conducting body.
Collection Facilitators are the name of the position.
1438 positions are currently open.
Government Jobs
Online application
1. Collection Facilitators – 1438 SBI Vacancy Details
No additional educational requirements are needed because the candidates are former SBI officers and employees.
Minimum Age:
Candidates must be under 60 years old to apply.
Important Date: January 31, 2023, is the deadline for online applications.
official website:
10th pass 9753626395